We have many opportunites for your brand and LADYGUNN. We like to work on fun, innovative and beneficial projects that get the maximum exposure for all of us. We will work with you on rates for your brand and partnership opportunities! Just talk to us about it! Email info@ladygunn.com to inquire.

Brand Opportunity:

-Interchangeable wallpaper/background skin Ad on homepage

-Top Banner Ad on homepage

-Bottom Banner Ad on homepage

-Side banner Ad on all posts

-Block Ad on homepage

-Sponsored social media posts

-Sponsored posts

-Products placed in LADYGUNN SHOP

-Sponsored videos on LADYGUNN TV

– Products featued in interviews/shoots with featured artists

-Sponsored email blast newsletter to our mailing list

-Photo coverage + collaborative event opportunities

-Full page Ad in the #9 Issue of LADYGUNN with Cover star DEBBIE HARRY

*Over 500 vendors INTERNATIONALLY

*Major retailers in NYC, LA and Stockholm

*50k print circulation

*Online 250k unique visitors per month

*15,000 digital downloads (and growing)

* Total media Circulation: 500k +

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