What has been your inspiration as of late?
MF: Being out in nature as much as possible, building permanent immersive color therapeutic worlds, working & collaborating with all sorts of people who want to involve themselves in my fantasy world
JL: I think nature is a huge inspiration for me as well, the bright colours and pastel sunsets around the world never fail to inspire me. When I dont have time to get out into nature, I often put on an episode of Planet Earth and absorb all the magic from the strange animals and landscapes. I also love fairy tales and stories, and try to watch and read as many fantasy stories as possible so I am inspired to create clothes that these mythical characters.
If Jackalope Land and Marina Fini were dating, where would they go on vacation and what would be a dream day?
MF:I’d say we would travel to Japan, Australia, Costa Rica (to hang out with sloths), Peru, meeting & shooting editorials with anyone of all ages, who is inspired to be apart of the magic!
JL: I think with our joint love for color and magical realms, it would be a dream to travel around the world and find the most obscure and colorful places and create art along the way with a mix of our creations!
Marina, wow your art house in the middle of the desert?? WHOA, tell us about that?
MF:I moved out to Joshua Tree a little over a year ago in hopes to expand my art and ability to share space. It quickly became my immersive color therapy home, where I’ve thrown community events, art shows and shot several of my editorials & music videos. It’s more than just an art project, it’s a space to help empower people to feel the freedom to be themselves and see the magic in this world. I traveled for almost a year doing temporary art shows and wanted to land somewhere quasi permanent to share an installation that had a lengthy duration, which is now known as, Rainbow Bath House.
JL: For me, stepping into Marina’s rainbow Kingdom in the middle of the deserts was one of my favourite experiences to date. Her space reminds you to surround yourself with things that make you happy, and never fear the impossible. If someone tells you that you cannot have a rainbow plexiglass neon palace in the middle of the desert, remember not to listen to them.
Your fans and audiences seem to align perfectly. Who are wearing your creations?
MF: Id say anyone because I have clients from all ages and all walks of life, even some animals wear my creations hehe
JL: I also find that we draw in a lot of colourful people that love to express themselves by wearing things that are a bit out of the ordinary. As a costume clothing designer, I have a lot of customers from around the world that want to embrace their inner mythical creature and feel like a sparkly goddess for festivals and special celebrations like birthdays… because i think bringing in your birthday dressed as a glittering unicorn is the only way to do it really! It is an actual dream come true every time I see someone wearing one of my pieces, and I am also really lucky to have performers like Paris Hilton, Bella Thorne and Kesha wearing my pieces for show and events.
Any people in the media that you have your eye on or would want to dress right now?
MF: I’d love to collaborate with Missy Elliot, Bjork, Grimes, Jeffree Star
JL: Absolutely! I would love to work with any and all artists that aren’t afraid to wear something really eye catching and would be open to my ridiculous vision.
Those who Marina mentioned along with Elton John, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Grace Jones and Beyonce would be incredible to dress!
Escapism is needed for so many people in this day and age and political climate. I feel like your pieces offer that a bit. Any thoughts on that or advice to those who feel they need to break free?
MF: I think expressing yourself and being authentic is one of the best forms of activism, breaking free from what is expected and diving deep into your purest calling is what sets us free. Follow your dreams and don’t give up on your passion.
JL: For me, my escapism really began with clothing and the way I dress. When I was about 14 I realised, if i woke up and felt like a fairy that day- I should be able to put on a fairy dress and feel fabulous. I still remember the first time I went out of the house in something that was a little out of the ordinary- when I got into town, I felt so stared at and uncomfortable I went to the bathrooms and changed! Becoming comfortable with expressing yourself is definitely not an overnight change- its something you build up and work on. So my advice to all those people looking at eccentrics and thinking “wow, I love it.. But i couldn’t wear that” is.. Push yourself to dress a little bit out of your comfort zone as much as you can. Eventually it becomes your normal and the world becomes a lot more colourful and playful.
While clothing is just one way to escape from reality, I also find that it inspires others to be their authentic self and express themselves in the way that society doesn’t really urge- While you may feel silly in your tutu for the first time, another girl may have just seen you and thought “wow.. I love what shes doing.. Maybe I could try it!”.
Can you shoutout some festivals that you love?
JL: Burning man, Secret Garden Party in the UK has a special place in my heart as it was my very first festival that completely blew my mind and showed me there was a little oasis in this world for strange colourful people!
If you were to put on a festival, which I think you should, who would headline?
MF: Grimes, Bjork, Missy Elliot, Mrk, Nitty Scott, Elisabeth Elektra
JL: Rolling Stones, Placebo, Band of Skulls, Grimes, Rod Stewart (Im pulling him out of retirement and putting him in a sparkly catsuit), RHCP, and Marilyn Manson!
What are 5 things every human needs in their backpack of life?
MF: Camera, sunglasses, crystals, water, platforms
JL: A baby bunny rabbit with a tutu on it, one fabulous sequined outfit (because if you wear enough sequins, people cant help but be nice to you), biodegradable glitter, sparkling water and miniature clones of all your best friends so they can come with you everywhere.. And if they are cloned small enough they can all ride around on your baby bunny rabbit!
Jackalope Land