Photos / Jennifer Bobé
Makeup / Sean Harris for The Only.Agency using M.A.C. Cosmetics
Hair / Toni Burns
Nails / Mazz Hanna for Nailing Hollywood using Kiss Products
Heartbreak has never been easy, but it certainly makes for some of the best art that humans are capable of. Enter the newest track by Machinedrum and Obenewa, “Heart Game”.
The track is a topsy-turvy, electro smash anthem that elicits the strength and pain of heartbreak so seamlessly it’s like one can’t exist without the other. Obenewa’s vocals are likened to a Gulfstream in the sky. Strong and soaring effortlessly, cutting through clouds and beats until she reaches her final destination. Enjoy the track and an interview with the songstress below.
What was the most cathartic part of writing this song?
I’d say making the vocals and layering them. I was ill at the time and stuck in my house. There was no real thought process, I just set up the mic and went with the flow.
Does it sting to listen to the song or trigger any feeling of heartbreak?
Not at all. The song still evokes a sense of heartbreak but is a snapshot of a time in my life. Now I see more the beauty in the creation rather than see the source of it.
Where did your love of music first arise?
I couldn’t really say but since I was little I have always been involved in music. My parents have an eclectic taste in music. Instruments and music were always played in the house. I was classically trained piano from the age of 4. We’d sing classics around the piano and they collectively had a big vinyl collection.
Can you talk a little bit about navigating the music industry in this day and age?
The industry can be a bit of a maze but as long as you stay true to yourself, the art, and find your thing, anything is possible. I feel like I’m finally stepping into my thing and can’t wait for the next chapter.
Noisey May dress // Lady Grey earrings
Who are some artists that you respect their journey?
There are a number of artists that inspire and I admire for different aspects of their craft. I love Bjork’s distinct take on music and art. Bob Marley is another artist whose resilience helped to change the world. I also recently saw Patti Smith in concert. Boy that changed me. Her books are a dream.
What does your family think about your music career?
My mum has always believed in the possibilities and capacity of my music, even when I’ve had doubts. She supports me all the way. She’s always said ‘Go Hard or Go Home’ and I don’t intend to be doing the latter anytime soon.
Now time for some positive affirmation,where are you in 10 years on this exact date and time?
Hmm. When I answered this it was the evening for me. I hope to be getting ready for a sold-out show at the Royal Albert Hall in London!
‘Heart Game’ incites such nostalgia of heartache but strength, tell us how you and Machinedrum creative process for the song?
The song was originally an acapella and I sent it to Machinedrum, I wanted to see how he would interpret it and I knew he would do something amazing as we already have a connection and an understanding of the things we like musically. When he sent it back I was more than happy. I loved Machinedrum’s music before I met him and it’s such an honour he’s put his spin on the track.
Any mantras you want to leave us with?
I like: ‘Luck is when preparation meets opportunity’ and ‘You either win or you learn’.
Adelina Rusu blouse and bustier // Sasha Samuel barrette // Soon ring
Pari Desai sweater // Soon hoop earrings