LADYUGUNN premieres Hailey Knox's Riverdale worthy, pitch-perfect guitar sing-along video for "Hardwired"
LADYUGUNN premieres Hailey Knox's Riverdale worthy, pitch-perfect guitar sing-along video for "Hardwired"
Recently starting to explore the romantic 80’s blue-eyed pop we all knew from films by John Hughes, Jamie’s new song “Won’t Let Go” sounds as if Peter Gabriel and Bruce Springsteen mated and had a child with Phil Collins voice. Jamie says the inspiration for the song came after watching a film he hadn’t seen in years, “I was re-watching a bunch of James Cameron movies one month and decided to give “Titanic” a go after 10-15 years of not seeing it.
LADYGUNN talks with Jessie Reyez about her newfound success, inner growth, and the meaning behind her music.
LADYGUNN talks with Natasha Lyonne about her personal philosophies and her new show Russian Doll.
LADYGUNN Fashion Editorial shot by Eve J. Liu.
LADYGUNN #NYFW FW19: CHROMAT. Photos by Jena Cumbo.
In 2016, Trevor “Trouble” Andrew, or whom you may now know better as the artist called GucciGhost, collaborated with Gucci’s Alessandro Michele on their Fall runway collection. And since then, has built a steady repertoire of work not only as an artist and designer, but also musician. Recently, Andrew designed a special capsule collection for CitiCard’s Vault program — a cool platform for Citi members that gives special access to intimate concerts from performers like P!NK, Muse and Chris Stapleton. Music has always had a special place in Trevor’s heart, dating back to his days of snowboarding and skateboarding, “music has always brought inspiration for me. Like skateboarding [and] snowboarding — there was always a musical element to [them] and it really inspired me. Everybody's an artist and we just find our own way to be artists,” he says.
LADYGUNN talks with Teyonah Parris about growing up in South Carolina, reclaiming her voice, and having nowhere to hide on stage.
LADYGUNN Fashion Editorial starring Alba Gómez shot by Ana Martínez.
LADYGUNN Fashion Editorial shot by Matthew Perino and styled by Jessette in NYC.
LADYGUNN Premieres Upsahl's meaningful party anthem "Drugs".