

In Glassbox, we wanted to explore these often controversial and provocative issues that the youth of today face on a daily basis and how resilient they are in the face of this adversity. We hope the viewer is able to take away an important message of their own interpretation but some of the topics we explore include xenophobia, race relations, the power of women and safety in schools.

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PITY PARTY: Roma Riviera on life after Maria, how the queer commuinty helped her get through it all, and the resiliency of art in Puerto Rico

7 months after Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico continues to plague the island in despair. Creative Director Adrian Joseph sat down with one of Puerto Rico's most exciting young artist, performer Roma Riviera to chat about life and art in the city after the tragedy capturing the trans muse wearing one of the islands top couturiers.

Continue ReadingPITY PARTY: Roma Riviera on life after Maria, how the queer commuinty helped her get through it all, and the resiliency of art in Puerto Rico