interview / Caroline Baniewicz
photos / Jenny Schwartz
Often, I’ve found myself frustrated in my career and thinking, “Why didn’t my parents just put me on Disney Channel? I’d be famous by now!” Then I saw Ruby Karp’s one-woman show, I Don’t Trust Adults, and now I’m certain the only thing more toxic than being in the entertainment business is being a child in the entertainment business.
The show, which launches Off-Broadway at SoHo Playhouse on March 26th and runs until May 3rd, tells the story of six different adults who caused “failed child star” Ruby Karp to be forever suspicious of adults. It is hilarious and heartfelt and will make you think twice before you take your kid to that Gerber Baby open call.
We all know how wretched and selfish other adults can be, but just imagine how these people act around children, who can’t fight back! How many adults publicly wrote hit articles about her? How many theater teachers made her cry? Is Mark Zuckerberg *allegedly* involved in all of this? I Don’t Trust Adults is a show for young people who dream of having autonomy, for adults who heal from other adults, and especially, for the theater kids who never got cast. The show is directed by Britt Berke, music curated by Xander Browne, and produced by Amy Boland.
Ruby Karp is one of those people who appears young, due to no forehead wrinkles and her energetic personality, but is extremely accomplished and well spoken. I keep asking her every time we chat, “Wait, how old are you?” Sadly, the toxic woman in me is annoyed when she responds, “24!” Ruby has been doing stand-up since she started hosting her own show at UCB when she was 11 years old. She starred opposite Charlie Puth in the improvised comedy series, The Charlie Puth Show. She was a Video Producer at Betches, where her videos amassed upwards of 50M+ views. She published a book, Earth Hates Me, in high school (which she hopes you do not read.) She’s been featured on JFL, Comedy Central, MTV, and more. God, I hate her so much! I’d say she’s lucky to be so accomplished so young, but the reality is.. Ruby has been grinding at this for decades.
I asked Ruby some of my top questions after seeing her show.
You say the names of the adults you don’t trust in the show, has anyone messaged you? Have you gotten any backlash?
What’s crazy is… no. Especially since I’m from New York and so much of what I’m talking about took place in New York. So, I’m kinda living in this constant state of wondering if any of them are going to come to the show. My high school English teacher surprised me at my Joe’s Pub run in New York, and I’m fully talking about some of his colleagues in the show. So, it’s definitely a thought in the back of my mind. But if it does happen, it’s obviously going into the show.
Is there any adult you wanted to call out, but you had to cut it for the show?
A lot of promises are made to child performers, like the classic “you’re going to be the next big thing!” As a child, you believe it. As an adult, you realize, people just talk. You learn entertainment is a lot of people just saying words. Which is normal! Look at podcasts! But when promising things to a child, as an adult, you need to remember that most children can’t understand that nuance.
Totally! I feel like if people told me as a kid, I was going to get a role or be a big star and I didn’t end up getting that, I’d think.. What’s wrong with me?
Exactly! You grow up and you internalize that. Then, as an adult, you have to do some extra heavy lifting to undo that. Sometimes I’m like, gosh am I naive? Or do I just trust people too much? For me, it’s been about learning that you can trust people, just not everyone.
Do you feel like you can sense when someone is leading you on in adulthood?
My constant struggle is that I WISH I was a pessimist. I really am the type of person who thinks if someone says “let’s get coffee,” it’s because they want to connect and be best friends. When in reality, for most people, it’s networking. It’s transactional, which has its value… But in my head, I’m like, “Well, why can’t we be best friends too?”
What’s the hardest part of the show?
I think it’s allowing myself to find my own story interesting. For so long, this was just a google doc on my laptop. I kept thinking “Literally who cares about my story? This feels narcissistic!” But my producer and director kept telling me “Your story IS interesting and deserves to be heard, stop doubting yourself.” Which is very nice of them. But I kept thinking “Is it weird I’m doing this?”
How do you feel seeing kids careers in entertainment now?
I look so cautiously at children in entertainment. There’s an account that posts kids doing stand up, and saw there were people commenting mean things on this one kid’s video. I scrolled further and saw both you and I commented telling him he was funny and to keep going. I was like, “Hell yeah. This is why Caroline rocks.” I think children should just be children. Even super
successful, rich ones. I think children shouldn’t be working at all. Even if they say they find joy in it.
Your mom has seen the show… What were her thoughts?
My mom is not one of the adults I don’t trust, which I clarify at the beginning. My mom loves the show. My mom finds the show empowering because I’m reclaiming my narrative. I’m saying my piece and responding on my terms. She’s my biggest supporter, so she’s definitely pro-all of this.
Did you see Millie Bobby Brown respond to the articles about her not looking young anymore? It’s crazy that we’re still talking about young women and child stars this way. It goes to show that we have not evolved as a society. We’re so critical of children for being children, then they grow up and we’re critical of them for no longer being children. No one is ever happy.
Is there an adult you recently stopped trusting?
The Depop sellers whose houses you have to go to, who are like “Look at my showroom!” They invite you over, they compliment you, then they show you their 300 dollar skirt that they want you to buy and it’s like… you’re in their house, we’re friends now. It’s my entire paycheck.. But I can’t say no. I’m in their HOME! This has only happened to me twice. But that still feels like a lot!
Most failed child stars give up, especially with adults trying to sabotage you… but not Ruby! Adults should watch the way they treat kids, because one day those kids might grow up and expose them in a one woman show! See I Don’t Trust Adults at Soho Playhouse March 26th to May 3rd.