Creative Direction + Story Phil Gomez | @styledbyphil

Effective Friday, April 17th anyone outside in public in New York will be required to wear a mask or some kind of face-covering under a new executive order from Gov. Andrew Cuomo. New York is a hub of trendsetters in all facets; one thing I cannot stand is being told what to do, and even worse, what to wear! Maybe this is because of my Catholic school upbringing…needless to say, our principle is requiring us to wear a mask at all times in public and failing to follow orders will result in civil penalties. “You’re not going to go to jail for not wearing a mask,” Cuomo says, BUT you might get arrested by the fashion police for visually unlawful face coverings.

So, in our attempts to help stop the spread of the virus and prevent a citation from the fashion police, we rounded up some of our favorite designers to keep you safe and looking cute. We asked each designer to take a picture in their creation and we have broken them down into two categories. Move over nose & lip piercings: there’s a new accessory trend alert and this trend is 100% contactless.

Now more than ever, it is important to not only protect ourselves but each other as well. Wear a mask when social distancing is not possible, support independent artists and like the fabulous Amanda Lepore says, “Don’t die of the coronavirus!” 

CATEGORY IS… Just Out for the Essentials Realness For When You Have To Run To The Bodega And Re-Up On TP & Takis.


James Flemons designer of Phlemuns based in L.A. One of LA’s freshest designers is a visual perfectionist who designs for all the cool musicians. | @phlemuns


Sophie Hardeman designer of Hardeman is based in L.A. The label that questions normality and strives to make “the abnormal” the new sexy! | @hardeman_

Sandra Gagalo designer of SAGA NYC is based in Brooklyn, NY.

A slow fashion brand that values construction and sustainability. 

photo / Anna Bloda | @saganyc

Sam Salad designer of MEALS based in L.A.

The food meets fashion label is making everyone look like a snack

CATEGORY IS… EXTRAvaganza Realness For Those Who Are Here To Live And Serve The Looks All Day Every Day!  OPULENCE!!!!


Rio Uribe designer of Gypsy Sport based in L.A.

The king of misfits gives us a new meaning to MASK FOR MASK. | @gypsysport


Candice Cuoco designer of self- titled label based in L.A.

A badass leather master and notoriously known for her appearance on Project Runway. | @candicecuoco


Sam Enriquez designer of Whocares Whynot based in Brooklyn, NY

Bold and in your face, definitely not for the minimal minded. | @whocares_whynot


Claire Fleury Designer of CLAIRE FLEURY based in Brooklyn, NY.

A magician of manipulating unconventional materials with a flair for theatrics!

photo / Alesia Exum | @clairefleurynyc


Sheron Barber designer of self- titled label based in DTLA, CA

The artist taking luxury goods and making them into streetwear couture fit for hip hop royalty.

WWW.DR14.COM | @sheronbarber