My lonliness is killing me…

Itā€™s troubling, in some ways, how often we can feel lonely without really being alone. As dual citizens of a world natural and virtual, the sense of impending exclusion is ever present as we navigate online and run through streams of other peoplesā€™ lives. They canā€™t see us, but weā€™re there. We canā€™t see them, but theyā€™re there.

Outside of the digital realm, our concrete world has been shaken. The COVID19 pandemic is the topic of every zoom tea party, news headline, and it’s exhausting. We’re all sick of it. As human beings, weā€™re not accustomed to such instantaneous change but we are, however, experts at adapting.

The first reaction for many was fear. When that settled with our doors shut behind us, we began to look inward. How can I fill my day when Iā€™m alone with my thoughts? Though at times the isolation is excruciating, itā€™s impossible to ignore the opportunity we (and our ecosystems) have been given to heal.

We often fuss over the flaws of social media, but this massive migration to online platforms has been nothing short of a miracle. When the Spanish flu hit, they didnā€™t have InstaCart to deliver groceries to those in need. They didnā€™t have large volumes of people on social media leading causes to donate to children who previously relied on schools for their meals. They didnā€™t know a world in which a relative across the globe could send a video of their face saying, ā€œHi, Iā€™m here. Weā€™re going to be okay.ā€

Despite the fear, I am constantly amazed at the willingness and abilities we possess to connect with others by any means necessary. Photographer Savanna Ruedy put together a poetic version of friendships and lovers doing just that. Enjoy these digital Love Letters below.

All profits from the zine will be donated to Artist Relief.
The zine can be purchased here.



story / Ariana Tibi

All profits from the zine will be donated to Artist Relief.
The zine can be purchased here.

Angel – @babydreamgirl

Lee Velvet – @velvetcloouds

Patrich Church – @patrickchurchny

PSKaguya – @p.s.kaguya

Eva Roberts – @evajroberts

Lydia Hudgens – @lydiahudgens

Khrystyana – @khrystyana

Travis Chantar – @chantar

Madeleine Ours – @madeleineours

Eliel Cruz – @theelielcruz

Priscilla Del Castillo – @priscilladelcastillo

Julian Woodhouse – @julian_woodhouse

Kirill Kabachenko – @kyrylo_k

Mark Osmundsen – @markozzie

Taylor Burke – @country__wife

Nikki Era – @thenikkiera

Kamaile – @kamailexo

Savannah Louise – @savannahlands

Jen Stephens – @twincitiesjen

Lee Alexander – @liiyahjames