Model Fridays! Emma Adamsson@ Stockholmsgruppen

photos + styling / Koko Ntuen
assistant / Magnus Wiberg
model /Ā Emma Adamsson @ Stockholmsgruppen
camera / Francis Floor Production

Dress and tights, American Apparel. Shoes, Nike.

Where are you now? In bed in Paris with the kitten of the family with whom Iā€™m staying.

What was the last fun shoot you did? I did a lookbook shoot for an Italian brand two days ago. Had to wear shoes two sizes to small (and my feet are actually pretty small to start with), so it wasn’t the funniest shoot of the year hehe.
Where are you from? Straight outta the burbs of Stockholm, Sweden.
What is your dream campaign? I’m inspired of Dsquared2, so a campaign with them in… let’s say Vogue would be pretty fine with me.
What does your family think about your modeling? They’re proud and supporting.
What is the hardest part about modeling? To kill the competiton. Hehe.
What do you miss most when you are on the road? My cat. If I had one.
Tell us a nasty behind the scenes gossip of the modeling industry.
Oh well, there have been some drama in the model apartments I’ve lived in. I think the worst time was when I just arrived to Miami and tried to sleep my jetlag off, and two girls where starting a fight, I mean litterally punching each other! I don’t even wanna know why, hate drama.

Who is your favorite model? In love with Georgia May Jaggers gap between her teeth. Also I heard about this girl Emma Adamsson, very cool.
Do you have have any frenemies in the industry? No, not really.
Who is one model you want to make out with? Some young guy preferably no older than sixteen. Iā€™m getting back for the old guys in this business that seem to show up everywhere.
What do you love/hate about modeling? Love travel, cash, work. Hate the absence of the before mentioned.
What’s the current trend modeling when it comes to faces/countries? I would say that the Asians are taking over. Liu Wen, Fei Fei Sun, Sui He and all what there names are seemes to be climbing up that campaign-mountain.

Shirt, Koko Celeste. Jeans and Jean jacket, Nudie.
Bottoms, Hello Eliza. Bracelet, Nettie Kent.