ASTR-angelo-013 photos / Angelo Kritikos
words / Jasmine Lake
hair + makeup / Ashley Bourdon
styling / Wilford Lenov

ASTR is having a dance party, and LADYGUNN is invited. Comprised of Zoe Silverman and Adam Pallin, the NYC-based band has an electro-R&B flavor that is equal part dark melodies and sweet beats. Homecoming, their EP that came out end of last year, only hints at what is to come on their full LP due out this spring.
During our shoot with the duo, LADYGUNN chilled with the underground superstars to hear about their touring misadventures and whimsical inspirations. To get the real, we chatted with Zoe about Adam and Adam about Zoe. Never since the Olsen twins have we wanted more to be part of a duo act. Double is definitely the best kind of trouble.
What’s a night in the studio with ASTR like?
It could be really boring and technical or it could be a tequila dance party. It all depends on what we need to accomplish.
You have been coined electro-R&B. Who are some of your musical influences?
That’s chill. [We love] Janet Jackson, Phil Collins, and Robyn.
I loved the darker, moody vibes on Homecoming. What secrets can you share about your full LP?
There’s more of that but I think at the end of writing Homecoming we got into a groove and elevated the sound a bit. There will definitely be more music to dance to.
“Bleeding Love” is one of my favorite tracks. It is so emotional and raw. What inspired the song?
That was the last song we wrote on the EP, and it definitely was the closing of a chapter for us.  There were a lot of trials and obstacles the first few years of our career and I think we realized that we care about this so much and wouldn’t stop for anything. This song was the beginning of us taking ownership of our careers.
Tell us a story about an adventure while on tour with Ryn Weaver and HOLYCHILD.
Those are our peeps! Many tequila tour bus moments and green room sisterly boob-sharing. We let HOLYCHILD dress us after a show one night. It got funky AF.
Your live shows are so energetic and fun. What goes into your performances?
We just try to let go and get in dancing with everyone.
What is your biggest obstacle as an artist and how do you overcome it?
Other people’s opinions affecting yours.

ASTR-angelo-011ZOE ON ADAM:

If Adam were to have his own island, it would be named…
Paradise lost

On a day off, Adam is most definitely…
Zero days off for this beanie. You could find him in Brooklyn eating pickled vegetables, stroking his Persian cat while working on beats.

The thing that inspires me most about Adam is…
He’s equally technical and creative, that’s a hard line to walk.



If Zoe opened up a store, she would sell…
Bootleg DVDs of Love and Hip Hop

If Zoe were to live on another planet, she would enjoy life on…
Saturn, because it has so many moons she could jump around from moon to moon whenever she got bored.

The thing coolest thing about Zoe is…
She has a sense of humor that is as quirky and bizarre as mine, which is hard to find.
