The proclaimed “queen of quirk,” DEQN SUE, emerges with a whimsical visual companion for her first single of decade “Troll.” A story that chronicles the aftermath of breaking free from a not-so-awesome relationship, when life settles back into equilibrium and 20/20 hindsight vision is restored.
Likening her ex to those homely, incorrigible mythical creatures who lurk in caves or under bridges,“Troll” acts as a cathartic mechanism for SUE. An uptempo banger, borrowing heavily from disco and funk, the sonorities sparkle while the bass line slaps under SUE’s exuberant vocals. In the song she addresses her former love directly, as she runs through all the things she should have said, the red flags she ignored and making the difficult admittance that a relationship she thought would work, didn’t (but definitely for the better).
The music video takes an ironic spin on the subject, utilizing paradox as a mechanism to drive her point home. By turning these difficult feelings on their head, she taps into the joyous perspective of claiming one’s own through vivacious colors, eccentric dance moves and glorious self expression. Read on below for some exclusive insight into DEQN SUE’s idiosyncratic world and the inspiration behind the video..
Where were you born and raised?
SoCal – Lynwood, CA
Your music is whimsical and at times even theatrical, did you grow up in or around theater?
Now that I think of it… yea I guess so. My dad was a theatre head and he was on a TV show in the 70’s called S.W.A.T. way before I was even thought of. Some of my earliest memories were at his rehearsals and shows.
What was DEQN Sue like as a little kid? Curious. Always into something… always asking why.
As an “alternative pop” artist you mix various popular music genres and styles indicative of the past and present, creating your own in the process. Do you have a favorite era of popular music of which you like to interlace your sound with? Funk/Disco/Pop just depends.
“TROLLS” tells a story of “20/20 hindsight” vision in regard to moving past an ex. What was the #1 lesson you took away from the particular relationship which preempted the song?
Don’t fall for potential. People are who they are. If you can’t accept who a person is today… let them go because there’s no guarantee they’ll ever be anything else.

Tell me about the making and inspiration behind the music video for “TROLL”?
Wanted to do something whimsical and fun. I think we’ve all dealt/had a run in with a “Troll” in some way, shape or form. I think the song is a cool juxtaposition in the fact that I’m singing about feelings that made me angry, disappointed and sad but somehow I was able to spin it and write a song that makes me want to do a happy dance. So I wanted to portray that in the video.
What’s the significance behind the dental sequence?
lol it was a random idea Lily, the director had… just quirky whimsy.
You have the best facial expressions in the video, do you practice in the mirror beforehand?
HA! no I don’t. My friends will tell you… my face gives me away everyyyytiime. Can’t hide nothin.
Did you have troll dolls as a kid?
I did… but I’ve since given them away so it took a couple months to get my hands on all the trolls for the video.
You’re currently based in LA, what are your thoughts on the creative community here?
It’s an interesting time…. the world needs art… keep creating and supporting each other.
What’s the DEQN SUE life motto?
We only get a short time down here…. do what the fuck makes you happy.
photos / Emma Lacy
stylist / The Dapperdude
story / Jessica Thomas