The hopeless romantic singer-songwriter Sam Richie has just dropped a new song “Here We Go Again” inspired by his ex. And even though they’re probably not listening, he thanks them for the inspiration for this song- at least I do. The song brings a special duality. Although it is a dancey bedroom bop filled with synthy vibes and vocals giving us the feeling of an all time high, it also gives us a low when we listen to the actual subject matter about a lover going behind our back “messin with all [our] friends.” We love a dark comedy.

Sam Richie has a colourful look to match his fun pop music. He says he’s got over 100 pairs of vans and we all want to know where he fits them. We got to talk to the southern Californian about his journey during quarantine, albums he listens to on repeat and writing “Here We Go Again.”

The line “Here we go again, messing with all my friends” was inspired by someone you used to date. Do you think they’re listening to this song, do you have anything to say to them?

To be brutally honest probably not
 they probably don’t even know I make music haha
Not really If I had to I would say thank you for the learning experience and helping me learn to love myself.

What was the song process like? Did it all start with that line or did you have the instrumentals already?

Me and my producer (Alan Vega) had most of the instruments done but when we finished the drum beat in the chorus I was humming along and the hook came to me instantly. We both loved how stripped down the chorus felt but also felt impactful and infectious.

Your Instagram is very colorful and your music is very cheeky and dancey. How would you describe your sound and image?

I would describe my sound as fun, I always wanted to brighten up someone’s mood with my music and that’s what I really hope to accomplish. With my image I grew up on hand me downs so no matter the color or brand I just made the best of it and tried to show my personality.

What albums can you listen to on repeat?

For newer albums Katzu Oso’s “Colour”, Omar Apollo “Apolonio” , and Joji’s “Nectar” album have been on repeat for me but honestly any of Tyler, the Creator’s or Toro y Moi’s discography never gets.

How has your musical journey been during quarantine? Are you finding it to be an inspiring time?

It’s been really inspiring. I feel I can tap into what I want to say without the distractions of the world before quarantine although I do miss performing live and traveling to music venues.

Tell us something we wouldn’t know about you.

I absolutely love shoes, I wasn’t a huge fan growing up but after working at a few different footwear brands I just fell in love with collecting and I believe I have well over 100 pairs of vans. My favorite ice cream is mint and I also love to play the claw, I think it’s one of my hidden talents.



photos / Mad Max

story / Vogue Giambri