Model Fridays! Kursten

photographs /Ā  David Joseph Perez

hair / Kimiyuki Misawa

makeup / Stephanie Peterson

modelĀ  /Ā  Kursten @ Wilhelmina

interview / Koko Ntuen

Who was your first crush? Ummm, I actually can’t remember his name for the life of me, but i know it didn’t last long though. LOL
What is your favorite reality show to watch? Mob Wives!
What is your favorite brand? Hmmmm. It’s a tie between Chanel and Christian Dior.
Who would you love to work for? Victoria’s Secret!
What was the best shoot you ever did? That’s a hard one, probably the very first one I’ve ever done because somewhere during the shoot I realized my passion for modeling.
Who is the nicest designer you ever met? I can’t say really, the ones I’ve met are all really nice! :/
How do you start your mornings? With a shower and two blueberry eggos!
Who is the last person you kissed? C.T. <3
What is the most challenging thing about modeling? For me it would have to be accepting the fact that not everybody’s gonna like you, and even though they might not you have to keep going no matter what.
Who is the last person you said I love you to? My mommy šŸ™‚
Where do you want to be in ten years? I want to have graced the pages of every notable fashion magazine, have a contract as a Victoria Secret Angel, be recognized as a top model, be the co-owner of a restaurant with my mother as the chef and on the way to starting a family of my own.
Who is your celebrity crush? Kanye West.
What magazine would you love to be on the cover of? Vogue Italia or V.
What was your last scary dream? Omg!The last one I had I thought a spider was crawling on the wall and I thought there was one of my pillow too, so I jumped out of my sleep, freaking out because I actually thought it was real.
Who do you get advice from? Definitely my mother, I can talk to her about any and every thing and for 19 years,she’s never been wrong about anything she’s told me.