photography / Kalindy Anne Williams creative director + stylist / Bonnie Kay Model / Josephine Giles @Frm Management hair +make up / Megan Everett   Shirt from Saint Germain. Playsuit from…

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Ella B.

Photography /David James.  Stylist / Imogen Wilson Stylist Assistant / Lottie Greally. Hair + Makeup /Unna at The Emerald Parlour. Model / Ella at Red Eleven. Interview /Koko Ntuen Shirt;…

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Fur, Simone. Dress, Dolce & Gabbana. Everyone Loves A Bitch...Especially in Hollywood story / Ilaria Urbinati photographs / Shanna Fisher stylist / Ilaria Urbinati @ The Wall Group makeup /…

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Ellie Goulding, the billowy Camberwell singer-songwriter/electropop goddess, is on the phone. Occasionally perceived by the media as illusive, but in no doubt, earnest in comparison to the other  pre-packaged poppettes…

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